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Ji Fusheng

Ji Fusheng- Former Director of Fundamental Research and High-Tech Department of Ministry of Science and Technology

Research fields: Electronic engineering, information technology, etc.

He graduated from the Department of Electronics of Tsinghua University in 1966, and was assigned to Beijing Post and Telecommunications Apparatus Factory to serve as a technician in 1968, working on electron tube manufacturing. After the reform and opening-up of China in 1978, he became one of the first 52 scholars to visit the USA in 1978.

After returning to China, he was transferred to Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University as a teacher. In 1985, he was transferred to the former State Science and Technology Commission, and participated in launch and implementation of the national “863 Program”, as well as in planning and managing several major scientific research projects of China. He served as the Director of Technology Market Center of former State Science and Technology Commission, Chief Engineer of New Technology Bureau, Deputy Director and Director of Fundamental Research and High-Tech Department successively. In July 1998, he was appointed as the Inspector of the High-Tech Development and Industrialization Department of Ministry of Science and Technology. In 1999, he became the scientific and technological counselor of Permanent Mission of China to the U.N. and returned to China upon the expiration of tenure at the end of 2002.