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Liu Yunjie

Liu Yunjie – director of Science and Technology Commission of China Un , academician of China Academy of Engineering

Research Fields: Communication, network technology, mobile Internet, Internet of Things

Liu graduated from the Technical Physics Department of Peking University in 1968. He served as director of Data Communication Technology Institute affiliated to Ministry of Posts and Tel munications (MPT), deputy director of Tel munications Bureau of MPT and director of Data Communication Bureau of MPT. During the period, he took charge of setting up the nationwide advanced data munication network, which has b e important infrastructure for the informatization development of China.

Liu presided over the design, construction and operation of the public data network, the puter Internet and the high-speed broadband network. He was also responsible for the preparation and the construction of China’s public networks, including CHINAPAC, CHINADDN, CHINA FR&ATM and CHINANET. Liu, a main founder of CHINANET, explored a new field of China’s public data munication. Now the network and its application industries with the value of more than 100 billion yuan have formed, making great contributions to the informatization of China.

Liu served as chief engineer and vice president of China Un . During his term of office, the China’s tel pany set up IP telephone networks in 12 cities. He tabled a proposal on offering the IP telephone service in a controllable and manageable network, which was recognized by the society. He also presided over the construction and operation of the “unified multi-service network platform” of China Un , which took the lead in providing the voice, data, video, Internet and other different online services on a single physical network platform. The platform offers a feasible solution to the integration of tel munications networks, cable TV networks and the Internet. It’s a successful large-scale practice for the next-generation network evolution and has achieved remarkable social and economic benefits. He won once first-class prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, twice first-class prize of ministerial Science and Technology Progress Awards and two national invention patents.

Liu was named as one of 50 outstanding figures in the global I.T. sector by the U.S. Time Magazine in 1998 (ranked 28th). In 2005, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He currently holds the posts of director and professor-level senior engineer of Science and Technology Commission under China Un , and Dean of School of Information and Communication Engineering under Beijing University of Posts and Tel munications. In 2015, Liu won the Special Contribution award of the “2014 Annual Figures of China’s Internet”.